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Wellness and recovery fair help those battling addiction

Harmony Life Center and Silver Pines Treatment Center joined forces to host a Wellness and Recovery Fair on Wednesday, to provide resources for people battling addiction and their loved ones.

Representatives from about 30 agencies and organizations manned tables and tents along North Main Street, offering a one-stop shop of services including health screenings, free Narcan – a medicine that reverses an opioid overdose – housing and financial management information, free women’s clothing, and more.

“The purpose of the fair is to keep reminding folks there’s help out there,” said M.J. Markley, co-founder and vice president of Harmony Life. “We wanted to bring everybody together in one location so people could see what we have available in Washington and in Washington County. People are still dying from drugs and alcohol, and unfortunately, that was overshadowed by the COVID-19 pandemic.”