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A variety of Deterra products lined up

Deterra is the solution for safe medication disposal

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Deterra is on a mission to prevent drug misuse and protect our environment through safe, permanent disposal of unused prescription and over the counter medications. The Deterra Drug Deactivation and Disposal System is the only product that is independently tested and scientifically proven to destroy drugs for good. Our patented, easy-to-use drug disposal system can be used at home or in a clinical setting to safely destroy unused or expired medications, making them unavailable for misuse and safe for disposal in the normal trash.

Deterra household mailing campaign

New deterra household mailing program

A Household Mailing Program with the NEW Deterra Direct Medium Pouch is a simple, cost-effective way to get prevention resources directly to those who need them most.

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Variety of Deterra Products
government icon


Prescription painkillers and fentanyl fuel the opioid crisis. Deterra is an evidence-based prevention product used by public safety and government agencies nationwide to prevent misuse before it starts.

Health Icon


Healthcare professionals are at the forefront of the fight against prescription drug misuse. Deterra’s drug disposal products can help patients and providers prevent misuse and diversion.

business icon


Substance use costs employers time and money in lost productivity and increased medical & insurance costs. Deterra helps reduce the risk of employee drug misuse and can save your business money.

Person at Home Icon


Proper disposal of unused and expired drugs helps prevent misuse, theft, accidental poisoning and environmental contamination. Anyone can properly dispose of drugs at home with Deterra.

Deterra pouches

Looking for individual pouches?

Individuals can purchase Deterra Pouches in packs of 3 for their own at-home use. Choose from 3-packs of small pouches (SP), medium pouches (MP) and large pouches (LP) to clean out your home medicine cabinet.